Oklahoma City -- Denver -- Is it over?
Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
June 15, 1997

Ever since April 19, 1995, there has been a tendency to disbelieve what should be recognized as obvious. For the two years prior to the bombing in Oklahoma City, patriots around the country had sought, proclaimed and threatened revenge for the murder of those families in Waco, Texas. What finally occurred paled in comparison to some of the "claims" of what would come. But, when reality came, there was an immediate, knee-jerk reaction which was totally unanticipated by people whose hearts were truly in the battle against government.

CBS, NBC, CNN, et al, had, for those two years, decided who would be the militia/patriot spokesmen. Just think about it, the stature that many rose to was a direct result of them saying what the press wanted to hear. The Constitutionalist community then embraced them as the avatars of things to come. But, why would WE listen to the words so carefully selected by the establishment press -- the press we recognize of being nearly incapable of presenting a proper picture of what is happening?

After the bombing, new faces appeared in the press. Out of Michigan came the advocates of change, by any means -- but, those advocates back-paddled quickly when a cause they might have advocated, in words, came to fruition. From around the country, patriots, who have blamed the murder of innocents on the government, over and over, felt compelled (by these faces, courtesy of NBC) to yell, "hang them that did it!" The target in Oklahoma City, however, was far more a military target than the majority of the buildings bombed by the very same government as they conducted their (our?) slash and burn tactics in Iraq, just a few years earlier.

Once McVeigh was identified as the probable bomber, a sense of guilt by association compelled his exclusion from the ranks; a man who had made manifest the trumpeted words of retribution that had so recently echoed across the land. McVeigh became an outcast among those he had listened to since he sat at T-shirt Hill, contemplating the actions of the government against a church and its congregation. McVeigh, like so very few others, went to Waco during those fifty-one days of unbelief. Unlike the thousands who refused to commit to the opposition of government actions, he found the means to make a journey, which, I'm sure, he did not know where it would end.

Those few who did make the journey, not later as a camera-toting tourist, but during the siege when the stakes were high, recognized something that the others will never fully understand. Those who, from around the country, gathered in Waco, contemplated, more than once, what could be done to stop this travesty. Through the eyes of many that I met there, the solution was to take arms, yet the hope that a peaceful solution forever stilled that reaction -- until April 19th.

In hindsight, I wish that I had chosen another course. The means were there, but the illusive hope that those inside would come out alive and that justice would prevail, exonerating Koresh and putting the actions of the BATF on trial, bound us to a hopeful course.

Think, if you will, of what your feeling would have been, had you been in Waco, and failed to act -- resulting in the murder of men, women and children. Is it possible that one's life could change as a result of his inaction, when action might have proved more fruitful than his inaction? Is it possible that a sense of guilt over that inaction might induce one to step ahead of others in recognition of what we all claim to recognize as becoming a reality in the very near future?

Those of you who profess to know that we are turning into a police state, and will be ruled by the New World Order, and its "peacekeeping" forces, have not witnessed, first hand, the imposition of the military state on your fellow citizens. You can only project its happening, but you refuse to acknowledge the reality of is existence. Pity you your naiveté. Pity you your blindness. Pity you your insecurity of conviction. Pity you.

Making McVeigh your sacrificial lamb, to appease your sense of political correctness, serves only you, not the cause you profess. Obfuscating McVeigh's beliefs behind claims of patsy, dupe, agent or other such terms serves only to restrict the progression that is so absolutely necessary if we are to resurrect Constitutional government in this country. Do you really believe that the cause will be achieved by resistance to the last man -- one man at a time? Or, will it be achieved by aggression, which is the only means of achievement to such an end that history has ever recorded?

McVeigh did what McVeigh had to do. McVeigh, now, will suffer a criminal's death instead of the death of a soldier, as he should. George Washington ordered the hanging of a British officer, an old friend, because he was caught as a spy. An honorable death would have been by firing squad. Washington made clear that the act of spying most be rewarded by the dishonor of a criminal's death. You, by your actions, allow not a spy, but a more courageous man than yourself, to be dishonored by a criminal's death.

Why has it come to this? Because one of our own has been taken prisoner of war, yet we refuse to declare the existence of that war. We wallow, instead, in the deception that we create for ourselves. Can the battle not be fought until the last man is willing to join it? Or, should we, like those from Concord, join the battle when the cry is given? The cry, my friends, has been given, over and over and over.

In Vietnam, the self-imposed obligation that "everyone goes home" did not, necessarily, mean alive. It did, however, mean that none would be left in the hands of the enemy. In this regard, our record is dismal. EVERY body has been left in the hands of the enemy. And, each of us wipes his hands clean, turns his back, and walks away, righteously proclaiming, "He ain't one of us." Ah! The bliss of ignorance.

Those of you who, in your hearts, believe that what you have advocated, professed and believed these past few years will come to reality should acknowledge what you profess. The rest of you should heed the words of Sam Adams: "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

But, if you truly wish to restore what is your birthright, then recognize that the divisive means which are being used against us -- have caused this division. Hold your voice, if one should act not exactly in accord with your mind. Heed the words of the Maryland Resolve of 1774 (and, read it very, very carefully):

"Resolved unanimously, that a well-regulated militia, composed of the gentlemen, freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free government, and that such militia will relieve our mother country from any expense in our protection and defense; will obviate the pretense of a necessity for taxing us on that account, and render it unnecessary to keep any standing army (ever dangerous to liberty) in this province. And therefore, it is recommended to such of the said inhabitants of this province as are from sixteen to fifty years of age, to form themselves into companies of sixty-eight men [three or four]; to choose a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, and one drummer for each company; and use their utmost endeavors to make themselves masters of the military exercise. That each man be provided with a good firelock and bayonet fitted thereon, half a pound of powder, two pounds of lead, and a cartouch box, or powder horn and bag for ball, and be in readiness to act on any emergency.


"Resolved unanimously, that it is recommended to the several colonies and provinces to enter into such or the like resolutions, for mutual defense and protection, as are entered into by this province. As our opposition to the settled plan of the British administration to enslave America will be strengthened by a union of all ranks of men in this province, we do most earnestly recommend that all former differences about religion or politics, and all private animosities and quarrels of every kind, from henceforth cease and be forever buried in oblivion; and we entreat, we conjure every man by his duty to God, his country, and his posterity, cordially to unite in defense of our common rights and liberties.

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